E20 Expert Profile: Tim Mikša

What is your name?
Tim Mikša
Who are you and what are you doing?
My passion is to help company leaders understand the potential of social for their business and how they can lead the way to the future of work. I'm founder and CEO of netmedia, a leading German Social Consulting firm known for enabling business transformation with social networks and driving the adoption of social software.
How did you get to the E2.0 topic?
At netmedia we have been developing highly effective intranet and collaboration solutions for more than a decade. I believe in social networks as the next large productivity step for companies. Every company has to work socially connected in the future to be successful. That is why I launched our Social Workplace initiative years ago to provide the methodologies and expertise for companies to achieve this.
What is your understanding of the core concept of the Enterprise 2.0 idea?
It is all about connecting the people in the company to make their work easier and more social. And though this is done with technology it is the business alignment and people engagement that make Enterprise 2.0 drive margins, be more competitive and nimble.
What are the main potentials of the Enterprise 2.0 idea?
There are many use cases and with business alignment being on of the critical success factors this means the main potential are individual for each company. We have seen customers reducing their time to market for new products significantly. Other customers rapidly merged corporate cultures and increased their workforce productivity and satisfaction after an acquisition. The main potentials is to listen and connect with customers as well as with each other and overcome a lot of the barriers and silos we see in companies these days.
What are the main challenges, threads and issues of the Enterprise 2.0 idea?
The main challenge I see is adoption. The hardest part of social is to find out where your company can benefit from social and how to sell these to all stakeholders. It is about changing the behaviors of your employees and your management if you want to create additional business value with social. This journey is complex and company leaders need a strategy for that. That is why we developed a holistic methodology framework with the right measures for business, people and technology for companies to succeed.
Please give us three tags that describe your person and work best?
You should ask this people around me :) I would answer: social workplace, networker, foodie
Please give us three names of colleagues that you would refer to as brother-in-spirit?
My partners at netmedia :)