It’s been a long time for this “sleeping beauty” to awaken again, but now it’s just the time to get things going again – because there are some exciting community events ahead. For example the second Enterprise 2.0 FORUM on Feb. 12th in Cologne with Dave Terrar and a lot of different German cases – starting from A as ABB to V as Vodafone. We have just begun with our pre-conference interviews – and in the notion of the community blog I’d like to publish an English transcript of the interview with Dr. Frank Schönefeld, COO of T-Systems Multimedia Solutions:
1) Dr Schönefeld, you are a speaker at the upcoming E2.0 FORUM in Cologne and will be having a talk about the de-mystification of Enterprise 2.0. What can we expect? Can you give us three keywords prospecting your talk?
The notion and idea of Enterprise 2.0 has been recently surrounded by some myths – for example we are speaking of “the dawn of the emergent collaboration”, of “wikinomics” or the power of “everybody”. What I am aiming for is to clean up the myths to reveal the core idea – in the hope something will rest.
2) Your talk is focussing on the structuring the value proposition of enterprise 2.0. What is your motivation behind this approach?
Enterprises are not buying any myths in times of crisis. They only get convinced if they understand what costs savings, productivity increases or new opportunities can be realized [by this apporach] within the organization or with partners, customers or any other stakeholder.
3) The last E2.0 FORUM has shown, that successful E2.0 projects are characterized by the following: “Think Big, Start Small and Move Fast” What do you think about this statement?
I believe that the initial phase of social software as the new thing has already passed the enterprises. Enterprises have made their first experiences and for the most of them it was just another YANT – Yet Another Nice Tool. In my opinion we have to settle the ground for the conviction that todays known Intranets will change within the next five years and that Enterprise 2.0 will give a lot of input to these. Therefore – “think different and act” – would be a better statement in my beliefs.
4) In regards to your systematisation what is your initial point to start from? Is it the target dimension to start from to gain the needed momentum for the project?
I believe you have to analyse the target dimension closely to understand and target the benefits. But in the adoption process the benefits can be realized and summed up on different dimensions.
5) How do you think about Enterprise 2.0 regarding the ongoing economic situation? Is enterprise 2.0 a way out or a deadlock for the situation?
Forrester has reduced its optimistic market forecast during the last weeks but is still predicting 15 to 25% growth for the Web 2.0 Collaboration Software Market. Not bad for a crisis, isn’t it? But all jesting aside we are just testing the acceptance for the topic in the market ourselves. And we have to constat, that the interest is stll existent but the path towards a decision is a long one.
What do you think about the myths and the value proposition of Enterprise 2.0?
Well, given what I just posted here yesterday, it will probably come as no surprise that I think that neither “Think Big, Start Small and Move Fast”, nor “think different and act” are *universal truths*, but rather reflections of who is saying them. The first is a quote (presumably) from Shawn Dahlen at Lockheed-Martin, talking about their Unity platform, and is *very* Anglo/Saxon in its Grundphilosophie. The latter represents Dr. Schönfeld’s thinking, and is not.
Well, given what I just posted here yesterday, it will probably come as no surprise that I think that neither “Think Big, Start Small and Move Fast”, nor “think different and act” are *universal truths*, but rather reflections of who is saying them. The first is a quote (presumably) from Shawn Dahlen at Lockheed-Martin, talking about their Unity platform, and is *very* Anglo/Saxon in its Grundphilosophie. The latter represents Dr. Schönfeld’s thinking, and is not.
Why not make it a “quote”? Seriously, of course I can agree with “Think big, …”. My point is, that you should not follow blindly the E2.0 myths but should have your own thoughts and tests (“Think different”) of why and how it can or can’t work for you and act then correspondingly. The universal truth I believe in, is, that there is no one.
Why not make it a “quote”? Seriously, of course I can agree with “Think big, …”. My point is, that you should not follow blindly the E2.0 myths but should have your own thoughts and tests (“Think different”) of why and how it can or can’t work for you and act then correspondingly. The universal truth I believe in, is, that there is no one.
I agree, completely. I said exactly that, (that there are no universal truths, in the sense we are speaking of here) in the post I wrote on cultural differences. But these two slogans do represent points on a spectrum. In a purely Anglo/Saxon context, to be honest, I would tend to act in a way more in keeping with the “think big…” variant. And in a purely Deutschsprachigen context, I would tend to act in a way more in keeping with the “think different…” variant. YMMV, and almost certainly does (recurse to “no universal truths”…
I agree, completely. I said exactly that, (that there are no universal truths, in the sense we are speaking of here) in the post I wrote on cultural differences. But these two slogans do represent points on a spectrum. In a purely Anglo/Saxon context, to be honest, I would tend to act in a way more in keeping with the “think big…” variant. And in a purely Deutschsprachigen context, I would tend to act in a way more in keeping with the “think different…” variant. YMMV, and almost certainly does (recurse to “no universal truths”…
Hallo Martin, ich wünsche Euch allen viele Themen, viel Erfolg und viel Spaß in Köln!
Ich freue mich ganz besonders auf den E20SUMMIT. Den Termin plane ich (mal wieder) ganz fest ein und hoffe (mal wieder), dass mir nichts dazwischen kommt.
This comment was originally posted on frogpond
Hallo Frank, davon gehe ich mal aus … warum sonst sollten wir den E20SUMMIT nach Frankfurt legen – ist doch ein Katzensprung für dich
This comment was originally posted on frogpond
[...] my german language summary at frogpond I suppose it’s important to compile some impressions for the non-german speaking Enterprise [...]
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[...] ausführliche Berichte sind bei frogpond, Joachim Lindner und auf Enterprise2Open zu finden, meine Bilder sind auf kongressmedia/flickr zu [...]
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Huch du warst auch auf der CeBit? Schade das hab ich irgendwie verpasst, aber wir treffen uns ja dann auf der re:publika
Den Webciety Part fand ich im übrigen auch eine sehr interessante und gute Entwicklung. Etwas mehr Platz dafür würde ich mir für das nächste Jahr aber wünschen.
This comment was originally posted on frogpond
Ja, re:publica ist sicher – ich freue mich schon auf ein Wiedersehen mit dir und Berlin.
Hoffen wir dass die Deutsche Messe AG das Feedback aufnimmt und 2010 mehr Platz für die Webciety einräumt. Das Standkonzept mit der Mischung aus Vortrags- und Ausstellungsfläche ist an sich ja bewährt und skaliert vielleicht auch ganz gut …
This comment was originally posted on frogpond
Leider haben wir uns in der Webciety wohl auch umlaufen, hab nur aus der Ferne deinen Input zu mitgekriegt. Ich war leider nur an diesem Tag auf der Cebit, der verlief aber dann aber sehr spannend und hoch informativ. Na, die nächste Gelegenheit kommt bestimmt, bis dahin viele Grüße!
This comment was originally posted on frogpond
Everything has been said
Everything has been said